Although it is tough topic or subject to discuss but i try to explain and give an authentic information about his highness and his family .
Basically Aga khan is title which is running in the family of his highness which is probably given to his ancestors . The title of aga khan is first receive by hasssan ali shah who is great grandfather of his highness .
As like him his grandfather sultan mohammmed shah also have the title of aga khan when we look at history of indo -pak sultan mohammed shah the aga khan 3rd have lots of contribution for the betterment of Muslim residing in sub continent .He also help sir syed in rising fund for the formation of aligarh school which later become collage and univeristy .one of the greatest work of sultan mohammed shah is formation of party nad become its first president which later major ruling party and major contributor in getting pakistan who know as muslim league.
where as his highness as like his ancestors use his all skills and power for wellness and improvement of human being on global level he running a web of organisation under aga khan development network .
His highness is also spiritual leader of ismaili muslim he is 49th legitimate leader of ismaili muslim . His followers are all around the world and one of the literate, skill full and peace full society in muslim world.
(Aga khan 4th)
Basically Aga khan is title which is running in the family of his highness which is probably given to his ancestors . The title of aga khan is first receive by hasssan ali shah who is great grandfather of his highness .
As like him his grandfather sultan mohammmed shah also have the title of aga khan when we look at history of indo -pak sultan mohammed shah the aga khan 3rd have lots of contribution for the betterment of Muslim residing in sub continent .He also help sir syed in rising fund for the formation of aligarh school which later become collage and univeristy .one of the greatest work of sultan mohammed shah is formation of party nad become its first president which later major ruling party and major contributor in getting pakistan who know as muslim league.
(aga khan 3rd)
His highness is also spiritual leader of ismaili muslim he is 49th legitimate leader of ismaili muslim . His followers are all around the world and one of the literate, skill full and peace full society in muslim world.
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