
Showing posts from January, 2019


RE-ENTRY OF SYRIA IN ARAB WORLD  BEIRUT —  Syria’s return to the Arab fold, although not officially on the agenda, dominated the Arab League’s social and economic summit held in Lebanon on January 19 and 20.    In 2011, Syria was suspended from the Arab League after the government brutally quelled what began as peaceful protests demanding political and economic rights.  As the war is drawing to a close and Bashar al Assad - supported by Russia and Iran - seems set to continue as leader, Arab countries are moving towards patching-up their relationships with Assad.  Hezbollah and its allies in Lebanon used the timing - in mid-December both the UAE and Bahrain reopened embassies in Damascus - to create just enough noise at the summit to bring the issue of Syria’s inclusion to a head. Gebran Bassil, the Foreign Minister and a member of the leading Christian party, which is in a political alliance with Hezbollah, said the failure to invi...


IQBAL MASIH                                     IQBAL MASIH the name of courage and inspiration for all of us who cry on there miseries and   there mishap leave it on almighty , people to help them. Iqbal masih was born in 1983,mudrike a commercial city in Punjab in poor Christian family. Force fully he and his family put to work in brick factory when he was just four year’s old , to pay there depth’s. Iqbal family one borrow 600rupess USD$6.00) from a local employer who owned a carpet weaving business. In return, Iqbal was required to work as a carpet weaver until the debt was paid off. Every day, he would rise before dawn and make his way along dark country roads to the factory, where he and most of the other children were tightly bound with chains to the carpet looms to prevent escape. He would work 120 hours a week, seven days a week, with only a 30-minute break. He paid 1...
  ARFA KAREEM Arfa   karim that name give us a hope, courage, bright and positive image of Pakistan. She was first Pakistani who become Microsoft certified professional at such young age of nine. She also earn her piolet licenses at age of twelve. She also receive president’s award ‘pride of performance’ in 2005,she also meet with Microsoft owner BILL GATES in united states. Arfa basically belong to Punjab a province of Pakistan. She represent Pakistan at different platform’s and win many award’s. some of her achievements are the following   She was a prodigy who achieved Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) status at the age of 9. ·          Her achievement was recognized personally by  Bill Gates , who invited her to Microsoft Headquarters. ·          She received the Pride of Performance award from the Government of Pakistan. ·     ...


    china got another achievement by building  largest bridge which connect main land china and hong kong Later this week, the long-awaited 34-mile sea bridge connecting mainland China to Hong Kong and Macau will finally open. In a ceremony on Tuesday that Chinese president Xi Jinping will reportedly attend, the bridge will officially open. Its accolades include the designation of “world’s longest sea bridge,” a $20 billion price tag, nine years of construction, and a whole lot of controversy. Supporters say the bridge will massively reduce the time it takes to travel between the three places, reducing journey times  from three hours to 30 minutes . But opponents have concerns about the impact of the bridge.Although the bridge is opening to traffic this week, making practical use of it may prove to be another challenge for citizens. Private cars will need a special permit to be allowed to drive on the bridge, and public transportation will not...