IQBAL MASIH the name of courage and inspiration for all of us who cry on there miseries and  there mishap leave it on almighty , people to help them.

Iqbal masih was born in 1983,mudrike a commercial city in Punjab in poor Christian family. Force fully he and his family put to work in brick factory when he was just four year’s old , to pay there depth’s. Iqbal family one borrow 600rupess USD$6.00) from a local employer who owned a carpet weaving business. In return, Iqbal was required to work as a carpet weaver until the debt was paid off. Every day, he would rise before dawn and make his way along dark country roads to the factory, where he and most of the other children were tightly bound with chains to the carpet looms to prevent escape. He would work 120 hours a week, seven days a week, with only a 30-minute break. He paid 10 rupees a day for the loan, but the loan continued to increase because of his family and interest.

At the age of 10, Iqbal escaped his slavery, after learning that bonded labour was declared illegal by the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He escaped and then went to the police to report Arshad, but the police brought him back to Arshad, who told the police to tie him upside down if he tried to escape again. Iqbal escaped a second time and he attended the bonded labor libreration front (BLLF) School for former child slaves and quickly completed a four-year education in only two years.Iqbal helped over 3,000 Pakistani children that were in bonded labor to escape to freedom and made speeches about child labor throughout the world.

He visited different countries, and help to tackle and eradicate child labor. He done tremendous speeches in Sweden and America which cause laid the foundation of free the children one of the international NGO.

Iqbal was just twelve when he was shot dead by ASHRAF HERO a heroin addict, when he was cycling with his friend in his village muridke. On that day Pakistan lost of  the jewels who work for its battlement and try to break the chain of slavery. One of his greatest achievements is “REEBOK HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD” BOSTON 1994.


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