
Showing posts from March, 2021


                                             source:                                                             First time in history a Asia Muslim actor Riaz ahmed is nominated   Oscar, for his   work in sound mental. He also holds the title of leading actor for THE NIGHT OF a web series in EMMY,S back in 2017. Beside him meharshala ali is the only Muslim actor who won Oscar in supporting category for MOON LIGHT.                               According to Riaz in these film he played role of punk drummer, who is actually   deaf, being raised in such neighborhood, He...

REGENT HONEYEATER (the endangered bird)

                                            source: Mick Roderick According to Dr. Crates, a professor of the National University of Australia says that species of regent honeyeater almost lost their inbuild ability to sing because of the limited member of its species.Another major problem which comes in front of them is that these birds live in large habitats approximate size of UK with a limited member of 300 species which was like to fine needle in the grass. In his research dr crates find that regent honeyeater sing a different song from their species which used to sang, the main reason behind this disaster is that imitate different species from their surround and learn as human learn to sing from each other. When young one leaves there nest they are mostly surrounded by birds from other species, due to these lack of opportunity they dint learn and could not able to find the...


  Devon County in southwestern Britain is for sale on 4 lac and 35 thousand pounds.                                             source:Clive emerson auction                                             It is an underground banker for hiding during a nuclear war it has two floors and 56 rooms, but the interesting rumors are that it has a ghost associated with it. The history of this banker is old, basically, it was built during world war in 1941 as a radio station. After which it was turned in to hide out for nuclear attack during the cold war, it has full capacity to facilitate about 250 personals at the time. According to Cristopher wells, the person who is in charge of this banker told that these bankers are built in such a way that they can resist any type of blas...


  Every year hundreds of teen boys and girls cross the border of Iran to join the militia across its borders. Knows as the komala. Which acts as the organization to liberate an independent state for Kurds, residing both along the borders of araq and Iran. Some of the illegal crossers are teenagers of 15 years. Most of the training camps are in araq mostly among the kurds populated regions. The journey of these young boys and girls is full of risks they have to pass through fortified walls and hiding from the snipers. If they were caught   they have to go through trials and even some serious cases they were charged with the death penalty. According to the source, he said it is not easy that you just cross the border and join the militia, you have to go through initial interviews and they assess you either you can able for training mentally and is a year-long process that they are trained and changed into a fighting machine. From the beginning they are consid...