THE BANNED RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION source :pakvoter.org As you heard and watch the famous religious political party in Pakistan got banned to participate and its leader are under arrest now a day. When we through a light upon its history Mr. Khadim Razvi who is the founder member of TLP are famous for his ferocious statement about other communities and establishment. The main aim behind these party is to bring full Flage Shria system in Pakistan. source :voa news As Khadim Rizvi is actually used by administration during Nawaz era to stop their government where Khadim Rizvi played so well that, but the new thing for which the gaining attraction now days for their demand to banned Franch ambassador and closure of ambassy in Pakistan as a counter response towards the statement by France president made about prophet Muhamed. As TLP is planning for another strike throughout the country, to abject government by...